Welcome to the Bondservant Project!

The Bondservant Project is designed to be an intensive missionary training course offered especially for “deacon” missionaries… servants of our Lord Jesus who wish to minister with their God-given abilities while making disciples.

The Bondservant Project training is divided in two parts. The first phase is an 8 week intensive instructional phase where missionary candidates will be challenged to passionately seek God while living together with other students and mentors “in community.” The facilitators and teachers are all missionaries or pastors who love God and are engaged in sharing God’s love through the Great Commission. Candidates will be taught principles of cross-cultural communication and be given tools to help them learn other languages and understand other cultures. Candidates will have the opportunity to learn ways to effectively present the Gospel to people of other worldviews and to those of oral cultures.


But most importantly… candidates will be challenged to understand, experience and share the grace of God that we have in Jesus.


The second phase of the Bondservant Project training is an optional 12 month clerkship where candidates will have an opportunity be further mentored as a missionary while serving with an established cross-cultural, church planting team. During the clerkship, candidates will have the privilege to use their professional abilities where they are desperately needed, while learning first-hand from field missionaries. Candidates will be serving the host team and their people in such a way as to allow them to be even more effective in their outreach. Our prayer and desire is that by the time a candidate completes the clerkship, they will be prepared to go even further (globally) where God may be calling them. If a candidate decides to participate in the clerkship in Mexico, the Bondservant Project team will work with them to help develop “ministry partnerships” that will be strategic for their future ministry, whether in Latin America or beyond as they participate in extending God’s Kingdom.
