
Get to know some of our program participants!



Débora writes: “I am considering serving in missions full-time using my profession as a nurse because I recognize that it is a way that others can come to know the Lord. As they experience compassionate and loving medical care, their hearts are prepared to hear the Gospel.”

Click here to read more of Débora’s story



Miguel Angel and Edith

Miguel Angel writes: “When I was studying at the Bible institute in Ensenada, the pastor would tell us of his trips to the mountains. He would travel only with his guitar and ever since then I have had a missionary vision and a desire to preach the Gospel to every person. After studying at the Christian Education Center (CEC), the vision grew and the lives of the teachers impacted me because the majority of them are missionaries. I have taken some short-term mission trips and I know that is what I want to do with the rest of my life. At this time, I am studying theology because I like the idea of teaching unreached people groups, either individually, in small groups or through preaching in general. I have had the opportunity to work in construction, gardening and in a little bit of everything. I would like to serve God in missions by using my strength in teaching, but I know that my other skills could also be helpful. I am considering serving God in full-time missions and especially in my own country of Mexico.”

Edith writes: “I learned about missions when I was 12 years old and God touched my heart. Ever since, I wanted to be a nurse and serve God in missions using my career. I am privileged because I grew up in a church that has a missionary vision and I have helped in short-term health outreaches in the mountains of Guerrero State. I also know of several missionaries whose testimonies encouraged me to keep praying to be involved in a missions project. I have always considered serving in missions full-time and I have a clear and strong missions calling. I don’t know exactly where or when, but I am willing to go where God needs me, even if it is not using my profession or if I serve in a different type of ministry that is not missions (as I am doing now).”

Click here to read more about Miguel Angel and Edith