Ryan Thiessen

I’m from Canada, and was born into a Christian family.  I learned about the Lord while I was young and knew that I wanted to serve Him early in my life, though I didn’t know in what way.  Finishing high school, I went to Bible school for three years, still not sure in what way I wanted to serve, or rather, the Lord wanted me to serve Him, but in the meantime I served at a summer Christian camp.  Following Bible school an opportunity opened up to stay full-time at the same Christian camp.  In the back of my mind I sensed the desire to serve in some form of missions, though I still didn’t know what that might looks like.  I took advantage of short-term missions opportunities and almost committed to a longer one-year assignment, though for various reasons I ended up not going.

Through these various stages, at times I would feel anxious, struggling with what the next step might be, but what I didn’t realize at the time was that God was slowly preparing me for what He had in store.  I was learning what it means to love Him and surrender to Him.  As it turned out, things took an unexpected turn through a short-terms missions trip, incidentally through the very same Christian camp that i had been serving at for many years.  It was through a missions trip that I first came to Mexico and a door opened to serve at a missions centre that hosts short term missions groups.  This is how I began serving the Lord outside of my home country.

While enjoying the culture, learning the language, and making new connections, the Lord opened the door yet again after a number of years to serve at a biblical training center for people in ministry.  This began a whole new direction in my life, and an opportunity to serve God in ways I would never have imagined.  I have been serving at Centro Educativo Cristiano for seven years now, teaching and helping with administration – I would never have seen myself doing what I’m doing but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.  God has continually guided my steps and has confirmed over and over again that, “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord” (Jer. 29:11).  I believe this will all of my heart and wouldn’t want to do anything else but serve Him!